iPod, iTunes, Mac, Macintosh, iBook are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Donations are welcome: please go to https://sourceforge.net/project/project_donations.php?group_id=67873 for details. *----------------------------------* | | | Contents | | | *----------------------------------* - Using gtkpod - Features - Tracks - Sort Tabs - Playlists - Drag and Drop - Duplicate Detection - Preferences File - Startup and Shutdown scripts - Extended Information File - Refresh (Update) Track Info From File - Synchronize Directories - Volume Normalization - Offline Mode - Export of Tracks - Encoding of ID3 tags (charsets) - Extracting tag information from the filename - Checking iPod's files - Restoring your iPod after file system error - Playcounts & Rating - About filenames - Icons for window managers - Connecting iPod to a Linux box: - Sick of loading the sbp2 modules by hand? (an example of how to use startup/shutdown scripts) *----------------------------------* | | | Using gtkpod | | | *----------------------------------* Follow steps 1-7 in the "Connecting your iPod to a Linux box" (basically you need to get the iPod partition mounted to /mnt/ipod) 1) The faint-of-heart make a backup of their iTunesDB: cp /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB.bak 2) Start gtkpod 3) Use "Import" to import the contents of your old iTunesDB. 4) Use "Add Files", "Add Directories" or DND to add files or directories. 5) Use "Sync" to write the added files to the iPod and create a new iTunesDB. 6) Quit the program. and continue with step 8-11 of the "Connecting your iPod to a Linux box" section (basically describing how to unmount and disconnect your iPod). *----------------------------------* | | | Features | | | *----------------------------------* Tracks ----- - You can add individual tracks, entire directories recursively, or existing playlists using "Add Files". A file selection dialogue will appear. By default existing tracks (same full filename) will be skipped. - You can add directories recursively using "Add Dirs". A directory selection dialogue will appear. - You can add existing playlists using "Add Playlists" - You can delete tracks by marking them and pressing the "Ctrl-d" . If you delete tracks from the master playlist (the topmost playlist, called "gtkpod" by default). You can also delete tracks by selecting them, and using "Delete Track" in the Edit menu or from the context menu. - You can update ID3 tags of selected tracks in gtkpod from the mp3 file by pressing "Ctrl-u" or choose "Update track info from file" in the Edit menu or from the context menu. - You can rename ID3 tags by editing the fields in gtkpod. You can change an entire group of ID3 tags by editing an entry in the sort tab (or mark several tracks and edit the first). - Cou can specify which tags to display in the preferences window - Cou can specify (in the prefs window) if the ID3 tags of the corresponding mp3 file(s) should also be updated Sort Tabs --------- - The two notebooks above the track display are called "Sort Tabs" - They allow you to filter which tracks to display - If you edit an entry in the sort tab, the corresponding entry in all associated tracks will be updated as well. When writing the tags to disk as well, updating of a large number of tracks may take a while Playlists --------- - You can create playlists with "New Playlist" or pressing "Ctrl-n" in the playlist listview. - You can also create playlists by adding an existing playlist file with "Add file" or "Add playlist". - You can add tracks to playlists by marking the tracks you want to add, and then dragging them onto the playlist. - You can rename playlists. - You can delete playlists by selecting the desired playlist and pressing "Ctrl-D", or by selecting "Delete Playlist" from the Edit menu. Drag and Drop ------------- Drag and Drop can be used in several ways: - Drag tracks from the track view _onto_ an existing playlist: the tracks will be added to that playlist. - Drag tracks from the track view _between_ two existing playlists or behind the last playlist: a new playlist will be created and the tracks will be added to that playlist. - Drag an entry of a sort tab _onto_ an existing playlist: all tracks matching the entry will be added to that playlist. - Drag an entry of a sort tab _between_ two existing playlists or behind the last playlist: a new playlist will be created and all tracks matching the entry will be added to that playlist. - Drag tracks, directories, or playlist files _onto_ an existing playlist: all tracks as well as the contents of playlist files will be added to that playlist. - Drag tracks or directories _between_ two existing playlists or behind the last playlist: a new playlist will be created and all tracks will be added to that playlist. - Drag playlist files _between_ two existing playlists or behind the last playlist: for each playlist file a new playlist named after the file will be created and the corresponding tracks will be added to that playlist. - Drag tracks, directories, or playlist files into the track view (note: something must be displayed in the trackview before you can drop into it -- drop onto the correpsonding playlist otherwise.): the tracks will be inserted into the corresponding playlist at the position you dropped them. - If holding the shift key when dropping tracks or a sort tab entry onto an existing or new playlist, the tracks will be moved instead of copied. Please keep in mind that tracks cannot be moved from or to the master playlist. Preferences File ---------------- On startup gtkpod will read the preferences from ~/.gtkpod/prefs (or /etc/gtkpod/prefs if the former doesn't exist). Startup and Shutdown Scripts ---------------------------- After reading the preferences file gtkpod will try to execute ~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.in (or /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in if the former doesn't exist) during startup. This is done before attempting to mount the iPod directory (optional) or read the iTunesDB (optional)). When leaving the program, gtkpod can unmount the iPod for you (option). In this case, gtkpod will also try to send an "eject" command to the iPod. For this to work, however, you need write access to the device file (e.g. /dev/sda2). After this the following scripts will be executed: ~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.out (or /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.out if the former doesn't exist). Please see the section "Sick of loading the sbp2 modules by hand?" for an example of how to use this functionality. Duplicate Detection ------------------- You can instruct gtkpod (in the prefs window) to use file-size-dependent MD5 checksums to prevent the same file from being copied to your iPod twice. If a duplicate is detected, gtkpod will print out the the filenames of the duplicate files. If the filename of the already existing file is not available (it is not stored in the iTunes database, see "Extended Information File" below), other available information of the track is printed. Extended Information File ------------------------- Some (I believe) essential information is not stored in Apple's iTunes database. You can therefore instruct gtkpod to write an additional file (iTunesDB.ext) with extended information. For each track it stores - MD5 hash - filename in the locale's encoding - filename in UTF8 encoding - hostname where the file was added (not used for anything yet) Since the extended information file is only valid with the corresponding standard iTunes database, a checksum of the iTunes database is also stored in the extended information file. Using an extended information file will considerably speed up the import of an existing iTunes database when using duplicate detection, since the MD5 checksums do not have to be re-calculated. Using an extended information file will also allow modification of ID3 tags in the track files after the initial import, because the full filenames are still available. The extended information file is also used for the "Offline Mode" described below. Refresh (Update) Track Info From File ------------------------------------ If you have changed the ID3 tags of your original file, you can update the ID3 tags stored in gtkpod without removing and re-adding the track. Simply select the track to be updated and press "Ctrl-u" or choose "Update Track Info From File" from the Edit menu. Since gtkpod needs to know the filename of the track, the "Extended Information File" (see above) is needed. "Update" will also re-read the replay-gain tags from disk, if available, and set the soundcheck field. If no replay-gain tag is available, the soundcheck field will be erased. You can also select entries in the sort tab or entire playlists for refresh. Synchronize Directories ----------------------- If you have added files to directories or changed files in directories you have previously added tracks from, you can use the "Synchronize Dirs" utility to update your iTunesDB. "Synchronize Dirs" will use the selected tracks to make a list of directories to update, so you should activate the "Write Extended Information" option in the export section of the preferences dialogue. It will then add all non-existing tracks in those directories and update (see "Refresh") all existing tracks. The tracks are also added to the currently selected playlist, if they aren't already a member. Tracks that have been removed from the directory will only be removed from the iTunesDB if this option is checked in the option dialogue. For best results you should also activate duplicate detection. This avoids unnecessary copying of unchanged tracks. Volume Normalization -------------------- There are two fields in the iTunesDB that allow to adjust the volume of an individual track: the volume field (a signed integer) and the soundcheck field (in dB). The volume is always active, whereas the soundcheck field is only active when you select 'soundcheck' on the iPod. Further, the soundcheck field only affects the earphone output but not the line output of the iPod. gtkpod will set the soundcheck according to the replay-gain tag set in your mp3 file. Newer versions of 'lame' automatically include the replay-gain tag when encoding. In that case the soundcheck field will be filled in when you first import a track. If no replay-gain tag is set, you can use the function 'Normalize Volume' to call mp3gain (mp3gain.sourceforge.net) to calculate the gain and write a replay-gain tag. Since this procedure is very time consuming, it is not done automatically during import. You need to install mp3gain in the default path or set the full path in the 'Tools' section of the preferences dialog. If the iPod is connected, the tag is written to the file stored on the iPod. If the iPod is not connected (i.e. in 'offline mode') the original file on the PC is used if the filename is available (requires the extended information file iTunesDB.ext). At this time "album gain" functionality is not supported. "Album gain" means that the volume of all tracks of one album is adjusted by the same gain, such that the relative volume level remains the same. It is planned to realize this in on of the next versions. Also, please be aware that tracks are not normalized on a 'per playlist' fashion. If a track is normalized, it's normalized in all playlists it is a member of. Once the replay-gain tag has been read, it is stored in the extended information file 'iTunesDB.ext'. When you call 'Normalize volume' again, the stored value will be used to re-populate the soundcheck field. Use 'Update Track' to re-read the tag from the file. Offline Mode ------------ It is possible to modify your iTunesDB "offline", i.e. without your iPod connected to your computer. You can then synchronize the contents of your iPod at any later time. To to this, you must have a backup of your iTunes database and the extended information file in the ~/.gtkpod/ directory (choose the backup option in the prefs menu for automatic backups). Before importing your iTunes database, you must select the "Offline" option in the "Files" menu. (The import and export of your iTunes database will then be done from or to ~/.gtkpod/.) Then import your iTunes database. You can modify (add tracks, add playlists, modify playlists, delete playlists, delete tracks) as usual. When you export your iTunesDB, it will be written to ~/.gtkpod/ along with an extended information file (even if you have not chosen that option in the prefs menu), tagging the tracks not yet transferred. Next time around you can import the database as described above, switch off the offline mode, and export the iTunes database to your iPod. The contents of your iPod hard drive are then brought up to date. Export of Tracks ---------------- - mark the tracks you want to export and select "Export Files to Disk" from the menu - A file selection dialog window appears and you can choose the directory you'd like the selected files to be written to. - You can specify the output filename in the prefs dialog by specifying a template (e.g. "%A/%a - %t"). You can specify multiple templates for different file formats by separating them by a semicolon (e.g. "%A/%a - %t.mp3;%t.wav"). See the tooltip in the prefs dialog for a list of identifiers. Encoding of ID3 tags (charsets) ------------------------------- If you use correctly written unicode ID3V2 tags you don't have to worry about the charset setting. Otherwise you must specify the carset to be used for representing ID3 tags in the preferences menu. The default is "System Charset", which is the charset associated with the locale gtkpod is running under. If your tags are stored in a different encoding, you should set it appropriately. Please note that if necessary you can change the charset each time you add files or directories: the iTunesDB itself is using UTF16, so once tags are imported correctly, changing the charset has no influence. If you chose "Japanese (automatic detection)", gtkpod will try to determine if the string is in ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, or EUC-JP (Hankaku Katakana (1-byte Katakana) may not be recognised correctly -- specify the correct encoding if you run into this problem). The actual encoding used for the ID tags will be stored and will be used when writing tags or doing updates/syncs. Check the "Use selected charset also when updating or syncing tracks" and "Use selected charset when writing tags" options if you want to specify a particular character set when writing or updating/syncing. The default charset is "EUC-JP" -- it will be used when the charset cannot be autodetected, as well as when writing tags if a specific charset could not be determined before. gtkpod will recognize ID3V2 tags encoded in unicode automatically and ignore your charset setting when necessary. Extracting tag information from the filename -------------------------------------------- Tags can also be extracted from the filename if you activate the option 'Use this template to parse filename for tag information' and supply a template that explains how the filanames are constructed. For filenames like music/new/latin1/alan_jackson - drive/01 drive_for_daddy_gene.mp3 you could use %a - %A/%T %*.mp3 to extract artist, alabum, track number and title. The following character sequences are supported: %t: title %a: artist %A: album %c: composer %t: title %g: genre %T: track number %C: CD number %*: placeholder, ignore data %%: the character '%' You cannot supply a template like "%a%t.mp3" because gtkpod would not know how to separate artist and title. "%a_%t.mp3" would be correct, if artist and title are separated by an underscore. You can also omit the trailing ".mp3" if you want the template to apply to all files instead of only to mp3 files. Checking iPod's Files --------------------- For whatever reason -- it may happen that tracks are present in your iTunesDB that are no longer present on the iPod (dangling tracks), or that tracks are on the iPod but not in the iTunesDB (orphaned tracks). The function "Checking iPod's Files" under the "File" menu will identify both types and take the following actions: Orphaned tracks: A new playlist "[Orphaned]" will be created with all orphaned tracks in it. The only exception are orphaned tracks that would become duplicates (if duplicate detection is activated). Those are marked for deletion with the next sync. Dangling tracks: These tracks will be marked for deletion with the next sync unless the original PC file is still available. In that case you can have them restored with the next sync. Restoring your iPod after file system error ------------------------------------------- If iPod's file system gets corrpted and you need to reformat your iPod, there is a way to restore the contents semi-automatically if you have been using the "backup to ~/.gtkpod" and "write extended information file" (iTunesDB.ext) options: 1) Make gtkpod think it still needs to copy the tracks $ perl -p -i -e 's/transferred=1/transferred=0/g' ~/.gtkpod/iTunesDB.ext 2) Import the iTunesDB in "Offline" mode 3) Switch to "Online" mode 4) Export iTunesDB This should restore your iPod to what it was before, provided you didn't move or remove any of the original tracks on your harddrive, and the charset information was stored correctly. Playcounts & Rating ------------------- Whenever you play a track completely on the iPod (firmware version 1.3 or higher) a counter in a the "Play Counts" file will be increased by one. The same file also contains the rating you can set with the 3rd generation iPods. This file appears to be deleted whenever the iPod resets itself -- e.g. because you disconnect it from the computer. Therefore, be careful... Charging the iPod seems to do no harm. When gtkpod is started, it will also read this file and incorporate the information into the iTunesDB that can be written back to the iPod. There have been several requests to also register playcounts when playing a track on the local machine. This is possible by calling gtkpod as "gtkpod -p ". If gtkpod is already running, the playcount of that track there will be increased by one. If gtkpod is not already running, the playcount will be registered in ~/.gtkpod/offline_playcount. This file will be read the next time you import the iTunesDB from your iPod, and the playcounts will be updated accordingly. Please note that if you start several instances of gtkpod, only the first instance will register playcounts through "gtkpod -p". Now all you have to do is tell your favorite player to call gtkpod with the filename of the played track. For xmms this is possible as of July 18th, 2004 (CVS version). Versions before that (including 1.2.10) only allow you to have an external program called at the beginning of a track. Our patch allows to have an external program called also at the end of a track. In each case you will need to activate the "General Plugin" called "song_change" and configure it to call 'gtkpod -p "%f"'. About filenames (excerpt from the GTK2 release notes): ------------------------------------------------------ * The assumption of GLib and GTK+ by default is that filenames on the filesystem are encoded in UTF-8 rather than the encoding of the locale; The GTK+ developers consider that having filenames whose interpretation depends on the current locale is fundamentally a bad idea. If you have filenames encoded in the encoding of your locale, then you may want to set the G_BROKEN_FILENAMES environment variable: G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 export G_BROKEN_FILENAMES Best integration of GTK+-2.0 with the environment is achieved by using a UTF-8 locale. ------ end of excerpt It is my feeling that many people use filenames encoded in the encoding of the locale. The "Add directories" dialogue already takes care of this and assumes the filenames to be in the same encoding as you have specified for the ID3 tags (see above). You can therefore forget about the excerpt above. However, the "Add Files" and "Add Playlists" dialogue (at the moment) uses the standard GTK+-2.0 file selection dialogue. Therefore I have no access on the conversion functions used, and a warning is printed when filenames are encountered that are encoded in a an encoding other than the once of the current locale. ID3 tags are still read currectly (according to the charset set in the preference dialogue). *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Environment variables | | | *--------------------------------------------------* The following environment variables can be set if needed: IPOD_MOUNTPOINT: Defines the mountpoint of the iPod. This overwrites the value stored in the prefs, but is overwritten by the command line argument "-m" or "--mountpoint". GTKPOD_DF_COMMAND: Only used on systems without statvfs(). Defines the "df" command to be used for probing the free space on the iPod including command line arguments. Default is "df -k -P". On some systems it may be necessary to remove the "-P" option. The mount point is added to this command line automatically. You can switch off calls to df by setting this environment variable to an empty string. *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Icons for window managers | | | *--------------------------------------------------* Should you require an icon for your window manager you can use those provided in $(datadir)/pixmaps (usually /usr/local/share/gtkpod/pixmaps or /usr/share/gtkpod/pixmaps). Currently the following files are available: gtkpod-icon-32.png gtkpod-icon-32x32.png gtkpod-icon-32x32-2.png gtkpod-icon-48.png gtkpod-icon-48x48.png gtkpod-icon-64x64.png *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Connecting iPod to a Linux box | | (kernel 2.6.6) | | (should also work with earlier 2.6 kernels) | | | *--------------------------------------------------* This describes how to set up the iPod together with the automounter in kernel V2.6.6 (some minor changes in the kernel configuration may be necessary for older V2.6 versions). 1) It appears to be possible to use HFS-formatted (Apple) iPods. However, this short guide assumes you have a Windows (VFAT) iPod. For conversion from HFS to VFAT please see http://www.blinkenlights.ch/gnupod/gnupod.html#SEC6 2) I'm using the following kernel configuration options (I'm only using FireWire -- so the USB options are just educated guesses. Please let me know if it works). I'm not using modules, simply because what's compiled in can't fail loading. * General Setup -> Support for hot-pluggable devices - y * Device Drivers -> SCSI device support - y * -> SCSI device support -> SCSI disk support - y * -> SCSI device support -> SCSI generic support - y For FireWire: * -> IEEE1394 (FireWire) support - y * -> IEEE1394 (FireWire) support -> OHCI-1394 support - y * -> IEEE1394 (FireWire) support -> SBP-2 support - y For USB: * -> USB support -> Support for Host-side USB - y * -> EHCI HCD support - y * -> OHCI HCD support - y * -> UHCI HCD support - y * -> USB Mass Storage support - y For USB and FireWire: * File Systems -> DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems - y * -> DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems -> VFAT fs support - y * -> Kernel automounter version 4 support - y (Try to chose the HFS filesystem in "File System -> Miscelleneous filesystems" for HFS support -- let me know how it works). 3) You need to install the following external packages: hotplug and udev (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/) autofs (ftp.kernel.org:/pub/linux/daemons/autofs) Most likely packages are available for your distribution. 4) Write rules for udev (/etc/udev/udev.rules, add at the beginning) to recognize your iPod automatically (mind the spaces within "iPod..."): BUS="scsi", SYSFS{model}="iPod ", KERNEL="sd?2", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="ipod" This will map /dev/sd?2 to /dev/ipod everytime you plug in your iPod. That even works if you own more than one USB/Firewire device that shows up as a harddisk, independent of the order in which you connect the devices. (You need to replace "sd?2" with "sd?1" for HFS formatted iPods.) For more information on how to write udev rules please refer to http://www.gamingclones.com/Howtos/udevrules.html. That document gives an easy-to-understand introduction 5) Set up autofs to automatically mount the iPod when you access it and unmount it after 2 seconds of inactivity. In /etc/auto.master add: /var/autofs/removable /etc/auto.removable --timeout=2,sync,nodev,nosuid,gid=autofs,umask=007 Adjust the gid,umask (and uid) values to whatever you need -- in this example all users in the group "autofs" have read/write access, and I have added all users that may access the iPod to the autofs group. In /etc/auto.removable add ipod -fstype=vfat :/dev/ipod (Obviously you need to change the filesystem type when you use a HFS formatted iPod.) Then simply add a link from /mnt/ipod: ln -s /var/autofs/removable/ipod /mnt/ipod Now your system is configured to mount the iPod every time you access /mnt/ipod and to unmount it again after two seconds of inactivity. You won't have to worry about doing mounting/unmouting yourself any more. *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Connecting iPod to a Linux box (IEEE 1394) | | (kernel 2.4.21) | | (may also work with 2.4.20, but I didn't try) | | (instructions for 2.4.20 can be found below) | | | *--------------------------------------------------* 1) You need a Windows iPod. See e.g. http://www.blinkenlights.ch/gnupod/gnupod.html#SEC6 for information about how to convert your mac iPod to a windows iPod. Alternatively, I have received a report that Alan Cox's patches (2.4.21-rc8-ac1, but 2.4.21-ac1 should work as well) include hfsplus support. That should allow you to use hfs formatted iPods. But beware: hfsplus support is still beta. 2) Get kernel source and configure Needed configuration: * Code maturity level options - y * SCSI support - y * SCSI disk support - y * IEEE1394 (FireWire)/IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support (Experimental) - y * OHCI-1394 support - y * SBP-2 support - m (important to use module -- if someone finds out how to use hotplug with sbp2 compiled in, let me know) (With 2.6.1 compiling sbp2 in seems to work fine.) 3) Create /mnt/ipod: mkdir /mnt/ipod 4) Add a line to /etc/fstab. You should edit uid to match your user id. Also, /dev/sda2 may not be appropriate, if you have other scsi devices. /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,errors=remount 0 0 NOTE: Some users have had problems with newer versions of mount(newer than mount-2.11h) The following fstab entry might work better for you. /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,shortname=winnt 0 0 NOTE: replace "vfat" with "hfsplus" if you use a hfs-formatted iPod. 5) Install the hotplug utilities (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/, debian package: 'hotplug') (If you don't want to use the hotplug utilities, you must call the rescan-scsi-bus.sh (see below) by hand after loading the sbp2 module. This is different from 2.4.20.) 5a) Add the ieee1394 hotplug support (described at http://www.linux1394.org/faq.html#hotplug): - copy ieee1394.agent to /etc/hotplug/ from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/linux-hotplug/admin/etc/hotplug/ - mkdir /etc/hotplug/ieee1394 - create /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/sbp2: #!/bin/bash if [ "${ACTION}" = "add" ]; then . /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/rescan-scsi-bus.sh else . /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/rescan-scsi-bus.sh -r fi - chmod +rx /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/sbp2 - copy rescan-scsi-bus.sh to /etc/hotplug/ieee1394 from http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/rescan-scsi-bus.sh - just to be sure: restart hotplug: /etc/init.d/hotplug restart 6) Connect your iPod to your computer and wait until you see something like the following on your system log (you can use the 'dmesg' command to check). Jun 15 17:13:53 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023 Jun 15 17:13:55 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 01:1023 changed to 00:1023 Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Logged into SBP-2 device Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Device added: Node[00:1023] GUID[000a2700020680b5] [Apple Computer, Inc.] Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023 Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: scsi singledevice 0 0 0 0 Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: Vendor: Apple Model: iPod Rev: 1.30 Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: SCSI device sda: 39062520 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB) Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: sda: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled Jun 15 17:13:58 hatarakibachi kernel: sda: sda1 sda2 Jun 15 17:13:58 hatarakibachi kernel: scsi singledevice 0 0 1 0 ... 7) Mount the iPod hard drive mount /mnt/ipod 8) do whatever you need to do (e.g. start gtkpod, see below) 9) Unmount the iPod: umount /mnt/ipod 10) Unload the module sbp2 (as most likely as root): rmmod sbp2 11) Disconnect the iPod from your computer (ignore the "Do not disconnect" message -- as long as you wait for the 'unmount' to command to finish properly, everything should be fine). *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Connecting iPod to a Linux box using IEEE 1394 | | (kernel 2.4.20) | | (connecting to 2.4.21 seems to work slightly | | differently -- see above) | | | *--------------------------------------------------* 1) You need a Windows iPod. See e.g. http://www.blinkenlights.ch/gnupod/gnupod.html#SEC6 for information about how to convert your mac iPod to a windows iPod. Alternatively, I have received a report that Alan Cox's patches (2.4.21-rc8-ac1, but 2.4.21-ac1 should work as well) include hfsplus support. That should allow you to use hfs formatted iPods. But beware: hfsplus support is still beta. 2) Get kernel source and configure Needed configuration: * Code maturity level options - y * SCSI support - y * SCSI disk support - m * IEEE1394 (FireWire)/IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support (Experimental) - y * OHCI-1394 support - y * SBP-2 support - m 3) Create /mnt/ipod: mkdir /mnt/ipod 4) Add a line to /etc/fstab. You should edit uid to match your user id. Also, /dev/sda2 may not be appropriate, if you have other scsi devices. /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime 0 0 NOTE: Some users have had problems with newer versions of mount(newer than mount-2.11h) The following fstab entry might work better for you. /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,shortname=winnt 0 0 NOTE: You can add ",umask=0" to the options to make the iPod readable/writable for all users. 5) Connect your iPod to your computer and wait until you see something like the following on your system log (you can use the 'dmesg' command to check). Nov 28 21:58:06 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023 Nov 28 21:58:09 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 01:1023 changed to 00:1023 Nov 28 21:58:12 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: NodeMgr: hotplug policy returned -2 Nov 28 21:58:12 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Device added: Node[00:1023] GUID[000a2700020680b5] [Apple Computer, Inc.] Nov 28 21:58:12 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023 6) Load the sbp2 module (most likely as root): modprobe sbp2 You should see something like the following on your system log: Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Logged into SBP-2 device Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: scsi0 : IEEE-1394 SBP-2 protocol driver (host: ohci1394) Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: $Rev$ James Goodwin Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: SBP-2 module load options: Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max speed supported: S400 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max sectors per I/O supported: 255 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max outstanding commands supported: 8 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max outstanding commands per lun supported: 1 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Serialized I/O (debug): no Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Exclusive login: yes Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: Vendor: Apple Model: iPod Rev: 1.21 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: SCSI device sda: 39062520 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB) Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: sda: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled Nov 28 21:58:39 hatarakibachi kernel: sda: sda1 sda2 7) Mount the iPod hard drive mount /mnt/ipod 8) do whatever you need to do (e.g. start gtkpod, see below) 9) Unmount the iPod: umount /mnt/ipod 10) Unload the module sbp2 (as most likely as root): rmmod sbp2 11) Disconnect the iPod from your computer. *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Connecting iPod to a Linux box (USB) | | | *--------------------------------------------------* I don't have much information about this so far (I don't own a third generation iPod). Please help me to fill in the gaps. Stephen Drye sent me the following note: "I've figured out how to get a USB-connected iPod recognized...: The trick to it is that you have to - plug the iPod in - it'll fail to be recognized by the SCSI subsystem - now, even though your ipod says not to, unplug the USB cord and immediately plug it back in. - since the iPod's hdd was already spun up, the SCSI subsystem now recognizes it and mounts it as /dev/sda - You can then mount /dev/sda2 to /mnt/ipod as normal." *----------------------------------* | | | Sick of loading the sbp2 | | modules by hand? | | | | Corey Donohoe | | | | March 22nd 2003 | | | *----------------------------------* Sick of loading the sbp2 modules by hand every time you want to use your ipod? Are you sick of mounting it too? Using sudo gtkpod can make manually interacting with the ipod filesystem a thing of the past. Note that you should have your ipod working with gtkpod before attempting this automated method, see the README that came with gtkpod in order to get things up and running. Here's a brief example of how I'm using gtkpod now in 8 easy steps. (Remark: the hotplug facility of new kernels can also load and unload the sbp2 module for you.) /**********/ * Step 1 * /**********/ Using sudo allow users to load/remove the sbp2 module Example /etc/sudoers ------------------------------- Begin Here --------------------------------- # Cmnd alias specification Cmnd_Alias IPOD=/sbin/modprobe sbp2 sbp2_force_inquiry_hack=1, /sbin/rmmod sbp2 # User privilege specification atmos ALL=(ALL) ALL atmos ALL= NOPASSWD : IPOD ------------------------------- End Here ----------------------------------- I use the force inquiry hack cause I have an older iPod, if you normally can get by with /sbin/modprobe sbp2 then ignore the inquiry hack stuff. Note that explicitly specifying with module to probe/remove keeps the user from being able to add/remove arbitrary modules. This allows us to keep gtkpod as a user process, and execute commands the user wouldn't usually have enough rights to. /**********/ * Step 2 * /**********/ Add a line similar to the below to your /etc/fstab, this will enable users to mount the ipod with read/write capabilities. Example line assumes your ipod mount point is /mnt/ipod and your ipod is detected as /dev/sda ------------------------------- Begin Here --------------------------------- /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0 ------------------------------- End Here ----------------------------------- /**********/ * Step 3 * /**********/ Then setup your /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in file to load the module when gtkpod is started. Example /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in ------------------------------- Begin Here --------------------------------- sudo /sbin/modprobe sbp2 sbp2_force_inquiry_hack=1 ------------------------------- End Here ----------------------------------- /**********/ * Step 4 * /**********/ Then setup your /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.out file to unload the module when gtkpod is exited. Example /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.out ------------------------------- Begin Here --------------------------------- sudo /sbin/rmmod sbp2 ------------------------------- End Here ----------------------------------- /**********/ * Step 5 * /**********/ Then enable ipod automounting in the gtkpod prefs(in the misc tab). /**********/ * Step 6 * /**********/ You're now ready to use gtkpod in a much nicer fashion. Start by plugging in your ipod. You should get a check mark with "OK to disconnect" displayed on your ipod. /**********/ * Step 7 * /**********/ Start gtkpod, your ipod should be accessible(i.e. autoimport should work) A "Do Not Disconnect" message is displayed on your ipod while gtkpod is running. /**********/ * Step 8 * /**********/ After you exit gtkpod, the "OK to disconnect" message should be displayed again. It's ok to unplug your ipod now. Good Luck. *----------------------------------* | | | Known bugs | | | *----------------------------------* - Display of large number of tracks is awfully slow (mainly because of the use of the standard GTK2 tree views) -> deactivate "Automatically select "All" in first sort tab" and/or deactivate "Automatically select master playlist". You could also "block the display" to speed up the display update. Further, decreasing the window size considerably speeds up the display. I also want to point out that updating the info window takes up a considerable amount of time. Update may become more intelligent in the future -- until then close the info window for more speed. - When changing selections in the sort tabs while importing the iTunesDB, sometimes the interface freezes. I tried to track this problem down but only found out that gtk+ does not return control back to gtkpod. Selecting the "All" sort tabs seems to unfreeze the interace again.